
Baidya |
- Air Plant (Kalanchoe pinnata/ Bryophyllum pinnatum)
- Arni (Clerodendrum phlomidis)
- Chitra (Berberis aristata/chitria)
- Flax (Linum usitatissimum)
- Gaub (Diospyros malabarica)
Memory Tonic
Memory tonic is a tonic which is used to improve memory health and enhance different functioning of memory. It stimulates mental vigour, restores or increases mental tone and relieves from stress and anxiety.
It is useful for patients suffering from lack of concentration and low memory performance. It is also useful for Alzheimers patients
Stimulant Herbs
Stimulants are herbs that increase alertness, wakefulness, energy and feeling of wellbeing. In addition to stimulating the central nervous system, most stimulants also increase the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and produce a sense of euphoria. Stimulants increases blood pressure, heart beat rate and respiration.
Stimulants mainly used to treat asthma and other respiratory problems. Stimulants can be used as recreational drugs or therapeutic drugs to increase alertness. They are also used and sometimes abused to boost endurance and productivity as well as to suppress appetite.
Herbal tonics are used to restore and strengthen the entire body system. They produce and restore normal tone of the whole system. Tonics are very gentle and slow stimulants, and they provide nutrients that the body can use, such as vitamins, minerals, and many other constituents.
Herbal tonics are of two types i.e. stimulating tonics and nourishing tonics. These herbs nourish specific cells, tissues, organs, and the whole individual, and are often used for long periods of time.
Sedatives are herbs which slows down the body functions. It acts on central nervous system (CNS), resulting in calmness, relaxation, reduction of anxiety, sleepiness, slowed breathing, slurred speech, staggering gait, poor judgment, and slow, uncertain reflexes.
At high doses, sedatives can cause unconsciousness and death.
Laxative and Purgative
These herbs stimulate evacuation of the bowels. It acts directly on muscles of the intestine in eliminating waste from the body. It stimulates the wave like muscular contractions that result in defecation. These are mainly used in constipation.
Laxatives and purgatives should be avoided especially in abdominal pain. The harm can be perpetuated by frequent use aimed at forcing daily elimination.
Insomnia is the disturbance of a normal sleep pattern. Herbs used to treat Insomania gently calm the CNS and retain the normal sleep pattern.
Insomnia causes varies problems like excessive sleepiness, fatigue, depression and lack of concentration during daytime.
Galactagogue herbs are used to promote or increase the secretion or flow of milk from the mammary glands of mammals.
These herbs should be used in the form of decoction or their paste or powder and should be taken with milk or water.
Herbs in this Category
Febrifuge herbs used to reduce fever. It cools the body by physically removing heat rather than modifying the body's responses. It prevents or reduces fever by lowering the body temperature from a raised state. However, they will not affect the normal body temperature if one does not have fever.
Expectorant herbs promotes or facilitates the secretion or expulsion of mucus or other matter from the respiratory tract by decreasing its viscosity. It is mainly added to cough mixtures.
Expectorant helps to relieve respiratory difficulties by decreasing the viscosity of thick mucus. Expectorants are stimulating and relaxing type.
Herbs in this Category
Emmenagogue herbs stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus and have the ability to provoke menstruation. They can work in a variety of ways, but the end result is menstruation.
Its action can be mild or strong depending on the herb. Abortifacient herbs are classified as emmenagogues. Not all emmenagogues will cause abortion.
Herbs in this Category
Diuretic herbs promote the formation of urine by the kidney. They help the body to get rid of excess of fluids, salts and toxic substances by increasing the rate of urine production.
Diuretics work on two different ways: first way they reduce the water reabsorption in the nephrons of the kidney and second way they change the osmotic balance causing more water to be lost.
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